

上课时间, 每天下午12 点至9点之间。 地点, 皇后区法拉盛, 布鲁克林,曼哈顿, 上门辅导。    
 英语课教日常会话,单词,语法,培养自学能力,增加词汇量,帮学生打好基础,提高阅读和理解能力。 采取互动和启发式教学, 让学生有参与和练习的机会。 教学内容实用,丰富,容易理解和消化, 效果好。 提供学习资料。 辅导小学生数学作业和汉字读写。  教成年人,新移民,学习英语会话,基础英语。 
我能 很好 的理解 美国的报纸,电视。 我有多年的工作经验。
有意经常学习和长期学习者, 请给我来个短信。 收费合理,实惠。 初次面谈不收费。 如果你在学习方面想投入一些时间,精力, 并且愿意花时间练习听说读写,那么,你才会打好基础。 否则,外国老师,名师都无法帮你提高英语水平。如果, 你按照老师的要求做一些听说读写练习,你一定会有收获和进步。 你的态度和学习方法,是你能否进步的基本要素。
pls text to me and let me know the time and location than we can have lessons. I can come to your home, office or meet you in the library.
929 278 7552

上课 内容, 英语基础, 会话,阅读, 数学, 地理,历史, Social Studies, History, Geography, English, Math, Mandarin,

Hi, My name is Tony. When I was in school, I was an outstanding student.

After I came to America, I worked in various positions in different industries. I feel grateful that I had opportunities to learn English from American people. I worked in quite a few American and Japanese companies in the West Coast and Pacific Region.

I have been working as a tutor for a couple of years now. I love learning and sharing my knowledge and experience with others. My English is good enough to understand tv and newspaper. I helped a few adults to pass the exam for a professional license.

We will learn the content which is useful and applicable.

I am available in the afternoons and on the weekend.
If you want to improve your English, I will show you how to learn English in an efficient way. I will help you to set up a solid foundation for your future study. If you need help from an experienced private tutor, pls let me know where do you live and what do you do for living. pls send text to 929 278 7552,